
Furnace Creek Trip Report

Observers: ES Audubon Trip Participants
Email: choward@telis.org
Date: 02/17/03
Time: 07:49:56 PM

Last week Furnace Creek received 1 inch of rain in 24 hours...half the annual average...so the timing of our field trip to coincide with a 75F sunny day was perfect.  Highlights of the 15 Feb ES Audubon Field Trip at Furnace Creek Ranch and Inn were a "SOOTY" FOX SPARROW, a SORA, around 7 LEWIS'S WOODPECKERS in the date grove, three SLATE-COLORED JUNCOS with OREGON JUNCOS, one RED-BREASTED SAPSUCKER, a RED-SHOULDERED HAWK, six INCA DOVES at the horse corrals, seven CINNAMON TEAL at the sewer ponds, two ROSS'S GEESE at 'long' pond. 

At other times during the weekend we saw a CLIFF SWALLOW (first of spring) with two TREE SWALLOWS, and the rarest bird of the weekend: a female RUDDY GROUND-DOVE in the residential area with a flock of 15 INCA DOVES.


Inca Dove:
Ruddy Ground-Dove