
Sanderling among other shorebirds at Owens Lake

Observers: Miko Ruhlen
Email: mruhlen@prbo.org
Remote Name:
Date: 03/06/03
Time: 02:43:48 PM


I saw one Sanderling amidst about 1200 peeps (mostly Least Sandpipers, but a few Western Sandpipers and about 160 Dunlin) today during PRBO's first survey of the Zone 2 Shallow Flood at Owens Lake. It was in Area 3N near of Zone 2. I did not have my camera with me unfortunately, but I noted that it was in winter plumage with the black shoulder mark and was foraging with similarly sized Dunlins. It's pale coloring made it stand out from all of the other peeps it was with. There were also about 30 Greater Yellowlegs and 16 Long-billed Curlews and one Dowitcher.