Observers: Kristie Nelson
Remote Name:
Date: 03/13/03
Time: 03:42:44 PM
Hi all. Last weekend myself and Joel headed up into the White mtns via Silver Cyn. Very nice. We saw a group of Lewis's Woodpeckers flying high over the nut-laiden pinyons and about 9000-9500'. Do they winter up there or were they migrants?? There were a handfull of evening grosbeaks, Cassin's finches. Then at snow line at almost exactly 10,000' we stumbled across a group of Sage grouse, near the road (inyo Co) below the crest. Then today in Mono there were 8-10 hooded mergansers in with a group of displaying Common's. 3 wintered there last year and stayed through spring, and since I have not been there before this winter, I don't know if they have been wintering or not. One adult male displaying to the females. They have sure been indirectly benefiting from wood duck nest box programs by increasing in the west. enjoy the spring! Kristie