Observers: Jim & Debby Parker
Remote Name:
Date: 03/16/03
Time: 08:05:50 PM
Wonder when Heindels were down there. . . . When we visited Tinemaha from 1100 to 1300 on Sunday, we went to the dam, only, and saw no other bird watchers. We saw no pelicans whatsoever. But the air was certainly full of swallows. More tree than violet-green and quite a few cliffies, too. Also one barn and one northern rough-winged (putt-putt-putt) which were FOS for us. We were pleased to see that the white-winged scoter was still there and were excited to find a couple of greater scaup. Our enjoyment was heightened by getting our first looks of the year at the little crests on the double-crested cormorants, the bright yellow ear-tufts on the eared grebes, and the warm orangish-red of the breeding plumage of male ruddy ducks.