Observers: Miko Ruhlen, Tracey Johnson, Aja Woodrow
Remote Name:
Date: 03/23/03
Time: 01:03:36 PM
During our shorebird survey of Owens Lake in Zone 2 Shallow Flood we saw 1 Black-bellied Plover in full breeding plumage near the west end of berm 7 as well as a Sanderling. Two Baird's Sandpipers were seen in Area 8SE and a Black-necked Stilt. We saw many other birds inlcuding American Avocets and Least Sandpipers in huge numbers, some Dunlin, Western Sandpipers, Dowitchers, Greater Yellowlegs, Northern Shoveler. We also saw large numbers of birders including the Heindels and Chris Howard! | Baird's Sandpiper in alternate plumage; note long primaries extending past the tail tip. [Howard photo; many thanks to Miko and PRBO staff for finding and alerting us to these great birds! -ed.] |