Observers: Parkers, B.Mitchel, Toths
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Date: 04/22/03
Time: 04:11:28 PM
It was like walking in an arctic wind but the birds were so good we couldn't leave. The Bonapart's Gull close in, giving us photo taking views, matches Sibley's first winter bird exactly page 209, Jim fnd the Blue Grosbeak male again on the metal fence just south of the entrance gate to ponds.The plovers were in the far east ponds at a tiny mudpuddle on west side (over the fence)along with a few Least SP & a Western. The Dowithcers finally settled down into a flooded field south of the sewer ponds.Two Cattle Egrets,Snowy Egrets & Great Egrets. White-faced Ibis & lots more. Today in our yard, 5 male Hooded Orioles and 3 females. Never before this many orioles in our yard. Saw all of these birds at once, otherwise it sounds like a tall tale.