Observers: Kristie Nelson
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Date: 05/08/03
Time: 07:58:43 PM
Spring migration is shaping up! There was a Brant yesterday at Bridgeport Res. off 182 north of the airport. A Black-and-White warbler started off the vagrant warbler season on the 6th at our cabin on Dechambeau creek. One Red Knot continued until the begining of May at the alkali pond behind the Benton Crossing dump. There was a fresh surge of migrant shorebirds on the 6th in Long Valley. a group of Long-billed Dowitchers joined with the Short-billeds at the Alkali pond, new groups of Western Sandpipers in high alternate plumage arrived in various places, over 100 on Crowley near Layton Springs. Lots of new Semipalmated plovers arrived, as well as groups of Wilson's phalaropes. There was an Olive-sided flycatcher in the sage today in Long Valley, and the distinctive wing noise of a BRoad-tailed hummer passed me by yesterday in Long Valley. Wilson's warblers seem a bit late this year, only recently building in numbers. evening grosbeaks were all over Sunny Slopes on the 6th. At our friend's hummingbird feeder there were Anna's, Rufous, Calliope hummingbirds. enjoy the spring! Kristie