Observers: Vernon and Andrew Howe
Remote Name:
Date: 05/25/03
Time: 04:22:19 PM
Yesterday, May 24, my father and I spent the day birding points in Inyo and southern Mono counties. We started the day at Furnace Creek. Despite the extreme lack of western migrants, we did manage to early on find an Eastern Kingbird along the western edge of the golf course; we refound the bird three hours later at the northwest corner of the golf course. Also present were 2 male Rose-breasted Grosbeaks (one singing incessantly near the "white picket fence" house in the date palm grove), a male Bobolink near the driving range (a holdover from the day before), a WW Dove at the airport, and 4-5 Inca Doves sprinkled around at several locations. Stovepipe Wells and Mesquite Springs were quiet, as was Scotty's Castle, although a singing male Summer Tanager was nice (most likely the same individual as reported the day before). Six American Crows at the Oasis grove and 4 Red Crossbills (three male, one female) at Tollhouse Springs rounded out the day. Good luck and good birding, Andrew Howe