hummer and tanager at Tollhouse and Deep Springs

Observers: Tom & Jo Heindel, Jon Dunn
Email: tjheindelataoldotcom
Remote Name:
Date: 05/26/03
Time: 03:48:09 PM


On 26 May there was a Broad-tailed Hummer at Tollhouse as well as a hatching year Costa's, Pinyon Jays, Red Crossbills, and Chukar. At Deep Springs was an anomolous singing male tanager that was a Summer but was colored (plumage and bill) more like a Hepatic. The bill was dark slate and the feathers were the duller brick red (like a crossbill) of an Hepatic not the pinker rose of a Summer. The lores were light and the song and the "ticky-tuck" call were pure Summer. If this bird had been silent, the less careful observer may have called it an Hepatic.