Birchim Canyon update

Observers: Chris Howard and Rosie Beach
Email: chowardattelisdotorg and rosiebeachatyahoodotcom
Remote Name:
Date: 06/10/03
Time: 08:58:36 AM


We enjoyed seeing many local breeders on an early morning walk in Birchim Canyon this morning. Great looks at Yellow-breasted Chat and Yellow Warblers calling from the willows. Also, male and female Blue Grosbeak, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, a fledgling Great-horned Owl, a presumed family of Bewick's Wrens. The only migrants were two White-throated Swifts and, the best, an INDIGO BUNTING we thought was a second year male. We heard it singing first and thought it was a Lazuli, but then we saw it. Nice dark blue all the way down into the belly. Birchim is a great walk, if you haven't been there.