Re: Winter Wren heard and seen at Pine Creek today

Observers: Rick Satterlee
Remote Name:
Date: 07/07/03
Time: 05:19:58 PM


Parker, Thanks for the sighting info...Am new to this site but have been birding since 1994.As I visit here and other sites, (including Audubon), I am struck by the inconsistancy of some of the characteristics assigned to bird sihgtings , even when accompanied by photos...i.e. you mention "yellow around" in your description of the bird you saw at Pine Creek, when all the literature at my disposal, shows the Winter Wren ,at all phases and ages,a definite mottled there another source? Please reply as this is not a criticism, only a fellow birder trying to understand the importance of accurate reporting.Does yellow all around refer to the surrounding flora? Thanks, Rick