Various; Bonaparte's Gull at Mono County Park

Observers: Chris Rintoul and Kim Maute
Remote Name:
Date: 07/08/03
Time: 04:26:42 PM


Greetings, I had to post something if I returned to the East Side...heh heh July 6, 2003 Bonaparte's Gull observed at Mono County Park feeding and roosting along shoreline. Took poor quality but identifying photo. Also saw 4 Western Sandpipers foraging among the Wilson's Phalaropes. July 5, 2003 Got good looks at pair of Long-eared Owls by Rush Creek. We had seen them circling us for 2 nights, so we staked them out a little earlier and one flew right at us within a few feet of our heads...nice eyes. Gray-crowned Rosy Finch pair on trail to Summit Lake by Virginia Lakes. Male doing display with clump of grass in beak, flapping wings and chasing female. More seen up Tioga Pass. July 4, 2003 Brant at shoreline of Mono County Park. Pretty scruffy looking. Male Pine Grosbeak at Pothole Dome, foraging alone around the right side of the dome, just up from the meadow. Got a photo through my binoculars. July 3, 2003 Lewis's Woodpecker pair/food carry in burn area up 120 East. Also Black-backed pair in same proximity. Perhaps I posted too much of little import but it was fun to be back in the area. Perhaps we shall meet late August? cjr