Solitary Sandpiper at Nik and Nik Ponds

Observers: Chris Howard and Rosie Beach
Email: choward at; rosiebeach at
Remote Name:
Date: 07/22/03
Time: 08:22:15 AM


Last evening (21 July) there was a Solitary Sandpiper at Nik and Nik Ponds, our first of fall. Also present were a few Spotted Sandpipers (all adults), two Long-billed Curlews, and a couple Least Sandpipers. (The west side of the west-most pond has some good shorebird habitat...see The most amazing sight was a flock of 1000+ mixed swallows perched on a 100 foot span of barbed wire fence. Upon closer inspection, they were mostly Bank Swallows, with some Tree and Cliff.