Bishop Sewage Ponds, Finkbeiner's Woods

Observers: Jim Rowoth, Mark Elness, Margaret Williams, Liz West
Remote Name:
Date: 07/31/03
Time: 08:48:03 PM


Tuesday 07/29/2003:  Nice variety at Finkbeiner's Woods--Black-chinned Hummer, Wilson's Snipe, Downy & Nuttall's Woodpeckers, Blue Grosbeak, BG Gnatcatcher, C Nighthawk, Bullock's Oriole, Bewick's Wren. Later, stopped at Bishop Sewage Ponds and found many unexpected surprises at tail end of San Joaquin Aud Soc Inyo county outing--Lesser Scaup, Redhead, Willet, Least Sandpipers, both phalaropes, Lazuli Bunting, Yellow-headed.