Observers: Jim & Debby
Email: you know
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Date: 08/07/03
Time: 11:38:46 AM
Just in case no one's said it lately: "The drabbest of warblers can be the most exciting." This little gray thing with chestnut in the rump was hanging out with a few yellow warblers in the few remaining trees on the south side of the almost-dry southeast pond. Better hurry out for the shorebirding before it completely dries up. Today we had spotted and solitary sandpipers, willet, lesser yellowlegs, avocet, semipalmated plover, killdeer, western and least sandpipers, Wilson's and red-necked phalaropes, dowitchers (likely LBDO)and about 45 white-faced ibis. Also check for a rare summer ring-necked duck in eclipse plumage. Lots of wood ducks, too.