Hunter Mountain Spring Banding

Observers: Tom & Jo Heindel
Email: tjheindelataoldotcom
Remote Name:
Date: 08/25/03
Time: 10:52:10 AM


On 23 & 24 Aug nine people were at Hunter Mountain Spring for the annual fall banding weekend. A total of 125 individual birds were netted representing 22 species. This was the 2nd best weekend ever both for total species and total individuals. Amazing were the numbers of Spotted Towhees (44), Mountain Chickadees (18), Chipping Sparrows (14), Black-headed Grosbeaks (5),Hermit Warblers (4), all records for the species. Two species were added to the Hunter Mountain list (Brown-headed Cowbird and Lesser Goldfinch) bringing the total to 43. A total of 496 birds have been banded since 1996 at this important stopover for migrants.