Mammoth Lakes birds 8/31/03

Observers: Kris Olson
Remote Name:
Date: 09/01/03
Time: 04:37:58 PM


I spent a couple of hours birding Mammoth Creek Park yesterday afternoon in Mammoth Lakes. Found many Orange-crowned Warlers and several Nashvilles in the low shrubs & sage just past the park along with numerous Brewer's Sparrows and one Green-tailed Towhee -- all provding excellent looks. Numerous Mountain Chickadees foraged with them. Pygmy Nuthatches were feeding young in pines. A family of Western-wood Pewees foraged along the creek. Two Red-breasted Sapsuckers were in and out near the creek, and a Clark's Nutcracker was in a tall dead tree. I think I caught the underside of a Western Tanager near the creek, too. Kris Olson, Menlo Park, CA