Fall Mono Lake Shorebird Census

Observers: River Gates
Email: rgates@prbo.org
Remote Name:
Date: 09/05/03
Time: 10:21:39 AM


On August 23, 2003, 16 volunteers helped conduct the 6th annual Mono Lake Committee Fall Mono Lake Shorebird Census. 48 species were observed, including 7 species of raptors, 11 species of ducks, 20 species of shorebirds and 4 species of gulls. Highlights include a BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON and AMERICAN COOTS seen only at Dechambeau Ponds by Randy Arnold. WHITE-FACED IBIS were seen by Leah Culp/Paul McFarland and David Armstrong/Will Howard on the north and east shore of the lake, respectively. The only BLUE WINGED TEAL was observed by the Culp/McFarland team, the only CANVASBACK was seen by the Armstrong/Howard team, the only PRAIRE AND PEREGRINE FALCONS were seen by Justin Hite/Alisa Ellsworth and Bartshe Miller/Kelly Miller teams, respectively. The Peter Metropolis/Santiago Escruceria team saw the only COOPER’S HAWK on the west shore of the lake by canoe. Most teams through out the day saw NORTHERN HARRIER and AMERICAN KESTREL. As for shorebirds, a few unusual/ rare species were seen in small numbers. Unusual species observed were SEMIPALMATED PLOVERS at Warm Springs by both the Debbie House/Lacie Parker and the Armstrong/Howard team. The House/Parker team carefully picked out the count’s only BAIRD’S SANDPIPERS. Large numbers of AMERICAN AVOCETS (11,238), WILSON’S PHALAROPES (5,594), and RED-NECKED PHALAROPES (46,941) were tallied. All of these numbers were higher than other years due to the extensive boating coverage by the Hite/Ellsworth team. They counted nearly 44,000 RED-NECKED PHALAROPES alone. This team also observed the only SABINE’S GULL at Rush Creek Delta and a FORSTER’S TERN on the Paoha islets. Additionally, David Lukas spotted a SANDERLING at the Rush Creek Delta the day before the count. A huge thank you to all the volunteers your efforts and skills are greatly appreciated.