cormorant, swallow, etc. in Big Pine area

Observers: Tom Heindel
Email: tjheindelataoldotcom
Remote Name:
Date: 02/18/04
Time: 12:56 PM


On 18 Feb an adult Double-crested Cormorant (few reported so far), Tree Swallow (first of spring), and 1 adult Bald Eagle (moving back & forth from Tinemaha Reservoir) were at Klondike Lake. At Tinemaha Reservoir was a continuing Great Egret, a female Hooded Merganser and 2 Bald Eagles (an adult and the 3rd year bird.) Based on two adults at Tinemaha (Conrads) and two immatures there a week ago (Heindels et al.) there are at least 4 Bald Eagles in the area.