Death Valley Birds

Observers: Susan Steele fide Heindel
Email: tjheindelataoldotcom
Remote Name:
Date: 03/31/04
Time: 02:18 PM


On 26 & 27 March, Susan found a number of First of Spring records: Common Yellowthroat (26th at Scottys Castle), Black-necked Stilt (26th at Grimshaw Lake), Common Poorwill (26th near China Ranch on Western Talc Rd.), Lucy's Warbler (27th near and at China Ranch), Ash-throated Flycatcher (27th near China Ranch on Western Talc Rd), Brewer's Sparrow (27th near China Ranch on Western Talc Rd), Bell's Vireo (27th singing at China Ranch), and Sage Thrasher (27th at Grimshaw Lake). She also found 2 Eurasian Collared-Doves at Furnace Creek which is the first record for Death Valley National Park as well as the latest record ever for the Park of a Ross's Goose, also at Furnace Creek.