Observers: Mike Prather
Remote Name:
Date: 04/01/04
Time: 06:25 PM
Dirty Socks Shallow Flood (closed to public-for now) where it meets the large pond. 100's of gulls (most all CAGU), 531 AMAV, 1 SNEG, 2 GREG, 1 GBHE, 11 GRYE. 3 BOGU - 2 first winter, 1 adult breeding(alt) plumage. One-third the size of nearby CAGU's. "Puddling". Pinkish legs. Black folded primaries extended past tail. Did not see fly. 1 FRGU - first winter. "Hooded" except for forehead w/ white throat much like a Peregrine "hood". Black legs, bill black and appeared larger than BOGU bill. Primary tips looked black with no white spots. White, relatively square tail(seen flying). Thick white broken eye cups.Light gray wash from nape around to sides of breast.