Observers: Andy Zdon
Remote Name:
Date: 04/17/04
Time: 05:47 PM
Drove up Bishop Creek this morning...Hermit Thrush along the s. fork of Bishop Creek in the nice meadowy area above Habeggers. Also Gray-crowned Rosy Finches at Aspendell at house across the street from the mail boxes in front yard. This afternoon, along Chidago Canyon Road in the rolling hillside above and north of the narrows, a Green-tailed Towhee, rufous crown flashing with excitement (!!!) and scurrying from bush to bush to avoid being seen (sparse sagebrush) and Black-throated sparrows and 1 chukar. Also, at the feeder in the yard at White Mountain Estates, the Cassin's Finches are still around (best time about mid-morning), along with a few Brown-headed Cowbirds mixing with Brewer's Blackbirds, Lesser and American Goldfinches, House Finches, etc. by the bushel!