Townsend's Warbler & Cassin's Vireo today in Birchim. Green Heron & Solitary Sandpiper west of Meadowcreek today too.

Observers: D.Parker & Tues. birding Group
Remote Name:
Date: 04/20/04
Time: 07:29 PM


We had 5 species of warblers and the Townsend's popped up while we were enjoying looking at a Yellow Warbler at the east end of Birchim. The Cassin's Vireo was seen in the willow area just above the green gate at the east end. It had a gray head contrasting with an olive back and some subtle yellow in the flanks. Many birds to keep us busy. The Green Heron & Sandpiper were south of the Dixon bridge along the canal (that runs north/south).