MacGillivray's Warbler west of Meadowcreek Today

Observers: D.Parker & the Tues. Group
Email: jimndebby@qnetdotcom
Remote Name:
Date: 05/04/04
Time: 12:44 PM


Andy Zdon found the Mac for us near Wishing Well Bridge down low in the willows. Lazuli Buntings were seen, Chipping Sparrows & a Warbling Vireo to study. Other migrant warblers. A brilliant Blue Grosbeak was enjoyed and a few Myrtle Warblers. One Great Egret persists in hunting grasshoppers (?) out in the sage brush.Cassin's Finches still present in Greengate Cottonwoods is somewhat unusual. We also found a dead California King Snake on Dixon Lane run over. Too bad.