Observers: Jim Holmes
Remote Name:
Date: 05/25/04
Time: 05:38 PM
On May 23, my father and I had a Black-backed Woodpecker at the burn near the South Tufa area of Mono Lake. There was an adult and juvenile Red Crossbill at the Visitor Center at Mammoth Lakes. We also had 12 Sage Grouse at the Crowley Lek. May 24, we had a singing male Hooded Warbler and a Black-throated Green Warbler at Oasis. They were at the north end of the cottonwoods. We also had a singing Virginia's Warbler and a family of Chukars in a canyon north of Deep Springs College. The entrancce to this canyon is a dirt road about 2 miles east of the entrace to Deep Springs College. (We did not bird Deep Springs College). Also on that day, we had 2 Chukars and a Costa's Hummingbird at Tollhouse Springs. Finally, we had a male Broad-tailed, a female Calliope and a male Black-chinned Hummingbird at the feeders at Tom's place.