Observers: Kristie Nelson
Remote Name:
Date: 06/04/04
Time: 07:28 PM
Yesterday, May 30 I was birding Furnace creek Ranch with Todd Easterlae (Chris and Rosie were around also). Great day. Todd spotted a Blue-winged warbler in a Tamarisk clump by the puphouse of the further pond on the golf course. Unfourtunately we saw what was probably the Blue-winged leave - it flew high and far and was lost in the distance. We also saw an interesting swallow - APB to check out cliff swallows closely. It looked good. Eur. collared doves were nest building. Also, 16! Franklin's Gulls! Chris and Rosie first saw them over the golf course, I saw them later in the morning at the sewer ponds. We ran into some Nevada birders who informed us of the hot birds around Dyer. A male Mourning warbler had been around since the 29th at the small pond outside of the town. After about an hour of waiting he came out and gave great views. Also a Catbird and parula were down the road at the circle L ranch. Easy to skip over our eastern state when doing the desert loop, but it is well worth stopping in nevada also!!