Observers: Chris McCreedy
Remote Name:
Date: 06/27/2004
Time: 05:22:45 PM
Singing in cottonwoods maybe 1km downstream from the Narrows. I heard him and I thought Cassin's Vireo at first because of the questions in his song. But it was different and I tracked him down and clearly saw a grey head with dark grey edge, olive back, and red eye. Vireos are like lizards somehow. Also, an adult Red-shouldered Hawk mobbed by a magpie and a kestrel, the kestrel itself mobbed by a Yellow Warber and Orange-crowned Warbler. Rush's most idiosyncratic pair of Willow Flycatchers began building a nest on top of their 2003 nest, the first time I have ever seen this behavior in an Empid.