Swan Sp., Red-sholdered Hawk, Hummers

Observers: Matt Brady
Email: podoces@yahoo.com
Remote Name:
Date: 06/29/2004
Time: 11:32:11 AM


I was driving up 395 on Saturday, the 26th, and for the fun of it I stopped at the south end of Topaz Lake, in northern Mono County. Much to my suprise I saw a single Swan sp. amongst the many Pelicans, Canada Geese, Cormorants, etc. It was quite far away (2-300 meters), and I just had my little 8x bins, so it remained unIDed. I'm pretty sure, however, that it was not a Mute Swan. There were also four Ibis there, which I am assuming were White-faced. On the 24th I birded Birchim Canyon and Round Valley, but the only birds of interest were a pair of Red-sholdered Hawks at the north end of the Valley. I was quite suprised to find them there. Are they regular there? Have they bred there before? As per Chirs Howard's comments about Hummers, Rufous Hummingbirds have been regular at higher elevations at Rock and McGee Creeks since the 18th.