Observers: Jim and Debby Parker
Email: jimndebbyatquenetdotcom
Remote Name:
Date: 07/10/2004
Time: 11:44 AM -0400
Although it was not seen, the characteristic song of this species was well heard by both Debby and Jim, in the same location in which it has previously been seen and heard in recent years, which is above the Pine Creek Pack Station, about 100 ft. into the forest where the trail goes from sunny to deep shade. The deep shade is caused by the giant white fir and Jeffrey Pines which grow thickly along the trail with lots of understory. This year in May the Inyo NF trail crew chain sawed trees (18 in. diameter at ground level) 20 ft. off the trail into the forest and “skidded” them to the trail, clearing the understory to move the trees smoothly. This was done for “steps” on the trail. While talking to the trail crew about the disturbance, orange-crowned and MacGillivray’s Warblers were singing nearby probably on nesting territories. We pointed out to them the sapsucker trees (waterbirch) that are used by hummingbirds,warblers,western tanagers,chicory and sapsuckers for nectar and insects, which was close to the trail and well within reach of their chain saws. We also showed them a nest we were watching with a probable hybrid sapsucker pair in it (Red-naped x Red-breasted). This type of trail work at this time of year in this Old Growth type forest should be done in a careful manner with a full knowledge of the impacts possible to the birds and mammals that use it. It’s doubtful that any type of environmental document was done for this trail work.