Observers: J. Zatorski
Remote Name:
Date: 07/21/2004
Time: 06:21 PM -0400
In the Blackrock area I see and hear LETH every day right now. For anyone wanting to check out these often secretive birds, I recommend getting to the area from Intake Rd. to the Blackrock Hatchery east of 395. Morning is best for calling birds and spotting them atop shrubs. Intake Rd. is the dirt road east of 395 opposite Goodale Creek Rd. Coliseum Rd. runs south just east of the highway and will take you to the BR hatch. to the south. The roads on either side of The Aberdeen Ditch are also good. It is best to get out of your vehicle and walk around in the scrub. That's where you can hear them calling and usually spot birds perched on shrubs. Attached is a map of the area. Enjoy