Eastern Kingbird today Jean-Blanc Rd N. of Laws

Observers: Jim and Debby Parker
Email: jimndebbyatquenetdotcom
Remote Name:
Date: 07/21/2004
Time: 09:11 PM -0400


Flycatching from a fence next to a field with blooming milkweed, we saw it well with its black upperparts and white underside (including chin and throat) and the white narrow band across the tip of its tail. Largish flycatcher with a large bill which was pale at the base of lower mandible (bright reddish gape). Specifically it was near the wooden bridge on Jean-blanc rd where the road crosses the canal. There is a large cottonwood at the bridge and the bird was perched low in this tree. This flycatcher is with Western Kingbirds and Loggerhead Shrikes. We saw it at 5:30 PM today. Jean-blanc rd can be reached by driving north of Laws on Hwy 6 approx 1/2 mi. and making an easterly turn at the marked road.