Observers: Don Lewis
Remote Name:
Date: 07/25/2004
Time: 03:31 PM -0400
Sorry for late posting but just returned from two weeks around Mono and Inyo without internet connection. Interesting birds seen: July 11. Red-eyed Vireo and male Indigo Bunting at Baker Creek, and Vermilion Flycatcher at Oasis, all with Steve Glover. July 14. Male and female Scott's Oriole at Toll House Spring. July 15. Red-eyed Vireo at Convict Lake. July 16. Crowley Lake, two Long-billed Curlews, two Marbled Godwits, one Least Sandpiper, possibly of interest due to the earlyish date. July 16 and 23. Western Bluebirds including juveniles at Moran Spring (but they are always there at this time). July 20. Probable second-year Bald Eagle flyover over of my cabin at Lake George, Mammoth Lakes. July 21. Fisherman reported adult Bald Eagle sitting in tree on south side of Convict Lake. July 22. Female Great-tailed Grackle at County Ponds, Mono Lake. Juniper Titmouse pair at Wilson Creek on Cemetery Road on the way to Dechambeau and County ponds. July 23. Crowley Lake east shore, one Semipalmated Plover; about 100 Phalaropes, about two-thirds Red-necked; twenty Long-billed Dowitchers, still in breeding plumage. Did not have time to bird the river mouth, so probably missed lots more.