Observers: Kristie Nelson
Remote Name:
Date: 08/20/2004
Time: 07:52 PM -0400
Hi, Today near the mouth of Owen's River there was a nice, cooperative Lark Bunting. It was along the road, roughly a quartermile Northeast of the mouth of the River (Layton Springs road), where the road makes a shallow s curve. Bright wing patches made it easy to spot in flight. Many migrant ducks, ibis (why did all the White-faced have so little white, apperant adults and HY's?), but few shorebirds. Many grebe nests, and I noticed 4-5 Forester's Tern Nests! At least 2 with Chicks (2 downy, 2 fairly big), the rest were sitting. They seemed to be on old grebe nests. I believe this is the first confirmed record of nesting for Mono.