Observers: Sacha Heath
Remote Name:
Date: 09/15/2004
Time: 12:46 PM -0400
The flocks of warblers and other guests are still enjoying all that bugs and the beginnings of fall can bring. Foraging flocks fill white poplar trees at the ranch house along Parker Creek. Orange-crowned, Yellow and Audubon's Warblers are still enjoying little tinys among the leaves. And yes, the Summer Tanager is still there. I observed what I believe to be the same male on September 1 as well. The one I saw today has small yellow patches in the same places that the one I saw on the 1st had. Otherwise, a bold red male who is hard to miss. Also, swarms of over 200 Violet-green Swallows perch on telephone lines and swoop in among the leaves of the white poplars. I guess exotics are good for something.