Death Valley birds 30 Sep to 2 Oct

Observers: Jim Pike fide Heindel
Remote Name:
Date: 10/07/2004
Time: 05:55 PM -0400


Jim Pike spent five days on a birding loop that included the Death Valley area. On 30 Sep he had a Northern Waterthrush at FCR, a Grasshopper Sparrow (remained the following day), Western Scrub-Jay, and Myrtle Warbler (with a couple more on following days) at Scotty's Castle. On 1 Oct he had 14 Pine Siskins and an American Redstart at Scotty's Castle, 1 Vermilion Flycatcher at DV Junction and another at Tecopa sewage ponds. On 2 Oct he was at China Ranch and had a Gray Catbird, female/imm Painted Bunting, and Dickcissel (all photographed) and a Swamp Sparrow (documented) as well as another Western Scrub-Jay.