Observers: J. Zatorski
Remote Name:
Date: 10/17/2004
Time: 07:50 PM -0400
A morning excursion yeilded a stunning juvinal PESA. The bright yellow legs first caught my attention. The bill was slightly down curved more on the bottom mandible with orange near the base. The head was brownish gray on top and brown blending into gray on the side of the head. There was a clearly seen white post occular patch and a dark line from the beak to the eye. The scapulars were blackish with brown edges. The wing coverts were also black but with brown and seemed to be whitish edged. The tertials were also black with bright brown edges. The breast was streaked brown and gray, and the belly was white. According to the Heindel Graphs PESA is still within the expected time frame but becoming rarer by mid-October. Also seen was Least Sandpiper, Long-billed Dowitcher, Wilson's Snipe and Killdeer.