Observers: Jon Dunn & Jim and Debby Parker
Email: jimndebbyatquenetdotcom
Remote Name:
Date: 10/20/2004
Time: 08:00 PM -0400
This is a late report. We spent most of Sunday scoping the shoreline, starting at the Marina where we had a male WILSON'S WARBLER in the willows & 2 adult BALD EAGLES, we moved to the otherside of lake via the green church turnoff, taking the first dirt road down to shoreline and had the SABINE'S(Close to shore just down from parking area), handfull of male CITE,a DUNLIN, 2 MARBLED GODWITS,a WESTERN SANDPIPER amongst many LEAST, BLACK-BELLIED PLOVERS in winter plumage, GWFG, and we picked up one of the two HERRING GULLS in Juv plumage closer to Layton Springs. We checked a few flocks of HORNED LARKS and Jon found a female CHESTNUT COLLARED-LONGSPUR feeding with the flock.We were able to study her plumage carefully.On the way to the green church turn-off, we stopped at the fishing access to McGee Creek (east side of Hwy 395) and Jon spotted a Yellow Warbler possibly of the coastal Canadian race rubinginosa, which can be very gray looking. Lots to see out there.