Observers: Deb Parker, Jon Dunn & Andy Zdon
Remote Name:
Date: 10/27/2004
Time: 06:23 PM -0400
The geese were seen just e. of turnoff to Bishop Sewer ponds in the field to the S. with Cattle Egrets. The geese had moved later in the day. They all had small stubby dark bill, white band on lower neck and dark breasts. As Jon pointed out, the juveniles showed pale edging to the scapular and wing feathers. One had a blue band on the neck with the numbers 81A. Tinemaha had an immature Bald Eagle chasing an Osprey and Jon found and named the Merlin as a male Columbarius race. At least one Bonaparte's Gull was present. At Nik & Nik's, Violet-green Swallows were seen with Barn Swallows over the ponds. The Bluebirds were near the most eastern bridge on Dixon on the s. side of road in the rabbit brush.