Observers: Chris Howard
Remote Name:
Date: 11/03/2004
Time: 12:17 PM -0500
The kingbird was refound this morning (3 Nov) in the same location Andrew had it yesterday morning. Andrew and I got good views of it between 7AM and 7:30AM. We felt it was a really late Western. One of the first things we noticed was its single-syllable 'chik' call note, we thought sounded Western-like. The belly was yellow, fading to gray in the breast. We got views of the white outer web of the outer tail feathers on an otherwise black tail. The folded tail looked 'notched' like a Tropical/Couch's, but that could have a feather-folding issue rather than the shape of the tail. The bill was small, not the Tropical/Couch's length. The dark mask was ill-defined and subdued. The back had a slight yellowish tint compared to the gray head, but really appeared to be a shade of gray.