Observers: 17 of us (fide Howards)
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Date: 12/05/2004
Time: 10:41 AM -0500
Despite Crowley Reservoir being 50% frozen over, Jon Dunn's ESAS field trip on 4 Dec managed 41 species. 17 participants spent the clear, calm, chilly (24F-38F) day birding the NW arm, delta, and marina. Highlights were the continuing Bewick's Swan, first reported by Tom Wurster on 7 Nov, along with another 110 Tundra Swans, a late American White Pelican, 5 geese species: White-fronted (5), Snow (5), Ross's (10), Canada (200), and Aleutian/Cackling (9). Also, two adult Bald Eagles and 1 immature Golden Eagle, 4 Dunlin flying by, 15 Greater Yellowlegs, and 2 Rough-legged Hawks.