Observers: many observers
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Date: 12/21/2004
Time: 05:19 PM -0500
Sunday, December 19th, 2004 - Highlights include: small flock of WESTERN BLUEBIRDS in Lee Vining canyon, above the LV ranger station. Swamp Sparrow - great looks at one in the bushes south of the parking area by the second county pond (Dechambeau pond area). American TREE SPARROW - in front of the first county pond. Northern Shrike - in Debbie Houses' s territory in the Parker creek/Bholer cyn area Probably best of all, an apparent EASTERN WINTER WREN. I don't know of other winter records for the state. Anyone know? It was seen by Bartshe and Kelly Miller in Lundy Canyon. They had seen a "normal" WIWR a quarter mile or so downstream, but this one came up they said on top of a bush in view, scolding them repeatedly with a call like a song sparrow. Wow!!! Also Cal. Gulls, Bald eagle, GB Herons, and others made for a nice count.