Observers: Gerry Wolfe
Remote Name:
Date: 12/27/2004
Time: 01:57 PM -0500
Seven of us braved the heat in Death Valley on 12/19 for the CBC. Although we didn't have large numbers, we had an astounding 54 species on count day and another 5 for count week. It's notable that approximately 20% or our species were lone individuals. Highlights of the day included special permission to bird the golf course, 2 white throated sparrows, a VERY late male Wilson's warbler, watching a Sharp-shinned hawk take a (?)sparrow from inside a bush at the Inn garden, and a flock of 10 common ravens mobbing a coyote with raven #11 firmly (and fatally) gripped in his jaws. For '05 we hope to be able to schedule on a different weekend from the Bishop & Mono counts.