Re: Swainson's Hawk with an antenna

Observers: Mary Freeman
Remote Name:
Date: 04/14/2006
Time: 12:54 AM -0400


Hi everyone. I asked raptor man Pete Bloom and Dave Anderson who works with Pete answered back with this response. Pete asked if we saw a color tag on the bird which no one I recall made this observation I found it rewarding that we saw this bird! During the last several years the CDFG has attached satellite transmitters to about 10 SWHAs in the Owen's Valley. The purpose was to understand late summer, early spring and migrational movements. This has been done in the Central Valley of CA also. The findings are that the Owen's Valley SWHAs migrate to Argentina with most of the North American SWHAs, but the majority of the Central Valley SWHAs migrate to Mexico for the winter. There are currently two active transmitters still on SWHAs in the Owen's Valley. You must have seen one of them.