Observers: Jim & Debby Parker, Mary & Nick Freeman
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Date: 09/04/2006
Time: 04:51 PM -0400
Good shorebird viewing by taking the dirt road that goes through the ditch and park near willows, which is on the s. side about half-way to end of lake. We were able to stand in the shade using our scopes. The flock of Leasts has been here for a few weeks with a few Westerns but today, the flocks have grown larger and we spotted the Pectoral, which was a large shorebird towering over a Solitary S.P., a longer bill, pale at the base of lower mandible, and a distinct buffy breast that sharply changed to a pure white belly.We think it's a juvenal based on its rich colors and new feathered look. The Semipalmated was probably seen last week but confirmed today. No reddish tones and pale with the scalloped look to the back. The bill is large like a Western bill but not as long or finely tipped. The Semipal is similar in size to Western also. Also, a Lesser Yellowlegs was seen here on Saturday but only a Greater Yellowlegs today. Nick was pointing out dragonflies to us including Western Meadowhawk Striped Meadowhawk.