Observers: Debby Parker
Verification: sierra
Remote Name:
Date: 10/10/2006
Time: 07:05 PM -0400
What caught my eye initially was its distinctive generous gray collar that continued up its nape from the back. Also, I checked carefully to see if it had a light lore (the area between the eye and the bill) as Chipping sparrows (also in the spizella genus)is similar looking but has a dark lore. It did have a light lore, another mark for Clay-colored. No streaks on the breast, just plain with a bright wash of golden-buff across the upper part. Many other sparrows are present including Song, Lincoln's, White-crowned and Chipping Sparrows. To locate the area, park on Dixon Ln at Greengate Cottonwoods and walk south along the ditch to the footbridge. The CCSP was seen just south of here.