Observers: Jim & Debby Parker
Email: jimndebbyatqnetdotcom
Verification: sierra
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Date: 10/11/2006
Time: 12:56 PM -0400
Later in the day we refound the Clay-colored Sparrow in a yellow blooming rabbit brush with a Brewer's Sparrow, another "look alike" to the Clay-colored Sparrow. There were clear differences when seen together, such as the Clay-colored was much "warmer" looking all over, and at the back of the warm brown cheek it was more darkly outlined than in the Brewer's. While the Brewer's Sparrow has a plain breast also, it was more gray and slightly darker than the CCSP, which was paler with the golden-rufous wash across the breast and down the sides into the flanks. We made note of other good marks to separate them in the field. Hopefully we can refind this bird, this Sat. on my Audubon Field trip in the area.