Observers: Tom Wurster, Liga Auzins, & Stephan Schlick
Verification: sierra
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Date: 10/16/2006
Time: 02:14 AM -0400
The usual suspects were out in force today at Furnace Creek, but only a few birds of intererst. A HY Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was in the date grove (back with golden spangles in broad swath, adult head pattern obscure - barely indicated in black and white and lacking any red, chest and sides mottled), a striking adult male hybrid Red-breasted X Red-naped/Yellow-bellied, two more HY Red-naped; a single HY Lewis's Woodpecker was also in the date grove and a female Vermilion Flycatcher was on teh golf course near the long pond. Most unusual was a very late Yellow-breasted Chat at the Inn (initial sighting by Stephan). At China Ranch birding was slow at mid afternoon. Stephan refound the female the Painted Bunting, but no sign of the Yellow-throated Vireo or Dicksissel all reported earlier by Jim Pike.