Female Orchard Oriole, Audubon Warblers, Spotted Towhee, Mountain Blue Birds, and lots of raptors.

Observers: Douglas Dunaway
Email: ddmcnitt@cebridge.net
Verification: sierra
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Date: 11/21/2006
Time: 03:19 PM -0500


This morning in the back yard, 1 female Orchard Oriole eating the last of the dried grapes. In the cottonwood tree next to the creek, a handful of Audubon Warblers, 1 Spotted Towhee, 1 Nuttail's Woodpecker and a few White-crowned Sparrows feasting on whatever bug is currently in the tree. I am assuming aphids, because this tree produces lots of them and is a favorite foraging spot for birds. Dark-eyed Junco's have been showing up lately. On my morning walk along Sunland Indian Res. Rd., 2 Red-tailed Hawks overhead, lots of Mountain Bluebirds on both sides of the south pastures past the creek, and 2 Ferruginous Hawks--one of which is extremely pale. Horned Larks continue, and 1 Northern Harrier.