Observers: Derrick Vocelka(Larry Silver)
Verification: MONO
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Date: 04/04/2007
Time: 10:43 PM -0400
40+ Swainson's Hawks possibly 50 , 11 Ferruginous Hawks, 10 Northern Harriers, two Am. Kestrels, one Merlin, one Prairie Falcon lots of ravens too. I spent approximately an hour and a half on the loop road at Laws (Joe Smith, Jean Blanc, Hwy 6 in the pivot irrigated pastures) this evening counting Hawks,etc., in fields, on posts, telephone poles,on the pivot irrigation structures and in trees. On the 2nd Larry Silver told me he had seen 30+ Swainsons' and 10 Ferruginous, 10 Northern Harriers and a Prairie Falcon most in flight and he was concerned about double counting, wanting to be careful about reporting. I went out on the 3rd for a short time and saw about half his numbers. This evening, the 4th, the sky was overcast and the air very still, no large birds were in the air which made counting easier. Larry called what he saw a great birding experience so I'm going to chalk it up as a marvelous experience too!! Great seing through the scope!!! At Farmers Pond, 4 Cattle Egrets, the Eurasian Teal is still there, Cinnamon Teals, 5 Greater Yellow Legs, 20 Killdeer, 4 Longbill Dows.,lots of Mallards,Green-Wing Teals etc. Derrick