Observers: Jim & Deb Parker
Email: j.parker@cebridgedotnet
Verification: MONO
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Date: 04/10/2007
Time: 05:02 PM -0400
Last Sat. April 7, 2007, Jim spotted the male Black-chinned in our yard. It was getting chased off by an aggressive male Costa's Hummer who's been here for awhile. The Common Yellowthroat male (unmistakable black mask and yellow below) was first heard (ticking notes) and then seen near Wishing Well foot-bridge, or south of the bridge at western end of Dixon Lane. The Gray Flycatcher was in Greengate Cottonwoods, just n. of same bridge. It was dropping its long looking tail repeatedly, grayish overall, with white eyering, some pale on bill. Wish I could have seen the bill better. There seem to be chipping sparrows around (up in the willow trees) and some a nearly completely covered in yellow pollen from the catkins. They look nearly like an eastern Palm Warbler except they have a sparrow bill and aren't dipping their tails like a Palm does. We finally got a female Hooded in our yard and a first year Bullock's Oriole on April 6.